
Audiovisual Productions


One of the ways to reach our public of greatest interest (children and young people) is through the various musical productions, which aim to bring all the teachings in a dynamic, creative and profound way accommodated to a language simple and easy to understand.

Listen to our playlist

Listen to us on Spotify

Listen to us on Apple Music

Listen to us on Deezer

Listen to us on Amazon

We are a public Association of faithful in the Archdiocese of Cali – (01-3-Decree No. 1358 of December 18, 2020)

Inscripción a CEDROS

Se parte de la obra comunicadora del
Padre Celestial

Contágiate de la alegría del Espíritu Santo a través de nuestra música y nuestras producciones.

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Somos las Hermanas Comunicadoras, una presencia amiga para quien busca al Padre.