Christian Formation


Catechesis for Adults

It is a face-to-face meeting of formation and prayer; enriched with a biblical and doctrinal content from the millennial experience of the Church, a Eucharistic reflection, complemented by the sharing of some participants and professionals; whose purpose is to illuminate, strengthen and share with the family the Christian, moral, and human bases of the viewers.

Perpetual Adoration

The Eucharistic Communicators of the Heavenly Father, looking for a source of light, strength and fire of Divine Love to carry out their apostolate with fidelity; they will try as much as possible to support and promote the centers of Perpetual Adoration, with the consent of the Diocesan Bishop and after consulting with the parish priest. Their accompaniment, either through the media or in person, as they have jointly agreed, will be a way of expressing their appreciation and gratitude for the unceasing Adoration.




Eucharistic Adoration


Eucharistic Adoration

We are a public Association of faithful in the Archdiocese of Cali – (01-3-Decree No. 1358 of December 18, 2020)

Inscripción a CEDROS

Se parte de la obra comunicadora del
Padre Celestial

Contágiate de la alegría del Espíritu Santo a través de nuestra música y nuestras producciones.

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Somos las Hermanas Comunicadoras, una presencia amiga para quien busca al Padre.