Charism and Spirituality

About Us

Our Charisma

The Eucharistic Communicators of the Heavenly Father have as a specific charisma to evangelize in and through the dynamic world of the media as Communicators, a friendly presence for those who seek the Father and as Eucharistic Souls in action, who proclaim from the rooftops what Jesus says to the ear , in the intimacy of prayer (Mt 10,27).


OUR SPIRITUALITY (It has 3 aspects numbered after this paragraph): The spirituality of the «CEPC» has a focus that is both Trinitarian and Eucharistic insofar as they propose to be in, with and through Mary: «TABERNACLES OF ADORATION TO PLEASE THE FATHER» listening and imitating the «beloved Son in whom the Father is pleased ”, “ALTARS OF IMMOLATION WITH THE SON” that “complete in their own flesh what is lacking in the passion of Christ”, and “HOSTS OF COMMUNICATION IN THE HOLY SPIRIT” that console by giving light to the mind, strength to the will and love for the heart.

“You cannot be a great communicator without first being a great contemplative

(Cardinal Eduardo Pironio)


Tabernacles of Adoration for the Father

Knowing how sensitive God the Father is to the filial tenderness of his children and how he longs to be «adored in spirit and truth,» the «CEPC» propose to be «TABERNACLES OF ADORATION FOR THE FATHER» that, «occupied exclusively with the things of the Father», «they go up to the mountain at dawn and at night alone to pray», thus procuring to the Heavenly Father the ever renewed «delight of being with the sons of men», of «taking pleasure in them as in daughters very loved» and «find in them the joy that a husband finds in his wife»: «I will take you to solitude and I will speak to your heart».


Immolation Altars with the Son

Keeping in mind the words of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, «At the end of my earthly life I see clearly that only one thing must be done on earth, to offer Jesus the flowers of our little sacrifices», be the «CEPC» «ALTARS OF IMMOLATION WITH THE SON” that offer “to the Heavenly Father the ever-renewed joy of many sinners who are converted”; in such a way that in the joyful fulfillment of their daily duty, they join the passion of Christ, offering this effort in the Celebration of the Eucharist, where each day the availability of this dedication will be renewed so that, like St. Paul, they can exclaim: » I complete in my flesh what is lacking in the passion of Christ in favor of his body which is the Church”.
The members of the Society try to maintain good physical health, do not be surprised if deficiencies, physical pains, or unavoidable illnesses appear. You must keep in mind that every consecrated life is a climb to the mountain of the cross, try to see these sufferings as opportunities to join the Lord’s passion for the salvation of souls.


Host of Communication in the Holy Spirit

The CEPCs open themselves to the action of the HOLY SPIRIT, placing themselves at His complete disposal to become channels through which He can radiate LIGHT for minds, STRENGTH for his will, and MERCIFUL LOVE for hearts, elements that are so needed by the wounded humanity as a consequence of original sin.
Therefore, they propose to be «HOSTS OF COMMUNICATION IN THE HOLY SPIRIT» that, through the apostolate and the testimony of their fraternal life, enlighten, strengthen, console and revive the other members of the Society, the souls that have been entrusted and other people who come close to them, cooperating with love in the evangelizing task of the Church.

We are a public Association of faithful in the Archdiocese of Cali – (01-3-Decree No. 1358 of December 18, 2020)

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Padre Celestial

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