Mother Gabriela del amor crucificado



Founding Mother


Mother Gabriela del Amor Crucificado

She was born on February 28, 1977, in a Catholic home where she was formed by the example of her parents in love and respect for the faith of the Catholic Church and especially in her devotion to Adoring the Eucharist. A devotion that was strengthened when he did his secondary studies with the Franciscan sisters at the Santisima Trinidad school in Bucaramanga where he graduated in December 1994.

At the age of 20, she interrupted her second year of graphic design studies to begin an experience in hermetic life in response to a supernatural call for spousal delivery with Christ where, in an atmosphere of Adoration, she adopted the Eucharistic spirituality, founded by Fr. Antonio Lootens, who, years later, gave life to the founding charisma of the CEPC.

Motivated by the invitation of the Lord to «scream above the roofs what I have spoken to the heart» (Cf. Mt 10:27), Mother Gabriela, with the support of her spiritual father and founder of the hermit life in Bucaramanga, Santander, Fr. Antonio Lootens, begins the production of television programs with the hope of one day telling the story of the Heavenly Father’s Love to young people and children of every race, language, people, and nation.

In 2004, she received the blessing of her Spiritual father and the endorsement of the Diocesan Bishop to begin a founding experience with the charisma, spirituality, and a handful of sisters who joined her own mission that was entrusted to her years ago.

“Communicate the Love of the Heavenly Father in a cinematographic language that captivates children and young people with their dream and motivation; Adore Jesus in the Eucharist, the engine of your life; become a trustworthy channel of the Holy Spirit evangelizing in and through the dynamic world of the media, his mission; Imitate Mary Most Holy to one day be able to exclaim: «I no longer live, Mary Most Holy lives in me and in her Jesus Christ, her highest goal. This is how this dreaming soul seeks to sanctify itself by promoting the Mass Media as a friendly presence for those who seek the Father.”

We are a public Association of faithful in the Archdiocese of Cali – (01-3-Decree No. 1358 of December 18, 2020)

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