Family CEPC

Family CEPC

“I planted, Apollo watered; but it was God who gave the growth

They can belong to the CEPC, those men and women who, identifying with the charisma and spirituality of the Association, want to live according to the spirit of the work, committing themselves to being those Eucharistic communicators of the Heavenly Father.

Fredy Cumbay

We are a public Association of faithful in the Archdiocese of Cali – (01-3-Decree No. 1358 of December 18, 2020)

Inscripción a CEDROS

Se parte de la obra comunicadora del
Padre Celestial

Contágiate de la alegría del Espíritu Santo a través de nuestra música y nuestras producciones.

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Somos las Hermanas Comunicadoras, una presencia amiga para quien busca al Padre.