Beggar of Love

Audiovisual Productions

Beggar of Love

It is a program of two seasons (each one is thirteen chapters) based on interviews that Mother Gabriela conducts with Fr. Antonio Lootens, where the deepest questions of the human heart are resolved: Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? Why do I exist? This production was made in Bucaramanga, Colombia and was broadcast on the Catholic channel ESNE in the United States.

Audiovisual Productions

Beggar of Love

We are a public Association of faithful in the Archdiocese of Cali – (01-3-Decree No. 1358 of December 18, 2020)

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Se parte de la obra comunicadora del
Padre Celestial

Contágiate de la alegría del Espíritu Santo a través de nuestra música y nuestras producciones.

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